Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 3 in Ecuador/ Sept. 1 2014

Heyyyyyyyy people, I miss all you and I want you all to know that the mission is one of the coolest things I will ever do.

I´m not going to lie, at first it was easy to have a negative attitude at times and pretty difficult to fight it. i noticed i was spending my time looking at the bad things of my mission. The garbage covering the streets, the awful smell that is everywhere i go, i miss my family and loved ones. And then I started to count my blessings here. The people here are sooooo nice. they are so fun and i love being with them. the food is way good, i thought i would get sick of rice pretty fast but i love it! There is a ton of soups and pretty much every kind of juice you can think of! we only really get fed every day at lunch  and other  that we are on our own. 
But I´m going to throw in that I have the coolest mission president! Elder Riggins is probably the best speaker I have ever listened to. We had this thing last night where we all went to the stake center and listened to him talk with all the missionaries in our zone then we all brought a bunch of people from our wards like investigators and new converts. He is very funny and super powerful! 

As for the Spanish it is getting better for sure! I can pretty much understand enough to the point that I know that everyone is talking about and carry on some decent conversations. So that´s all good!

So this one time we were on our way over to this girls house that we found a few days earlier and we saw a GIANT iguana! it wasn't running away when we got close so my companion Elder Cook picked it up, then that thing FLIPPED OUT!  I got some pretty funny picks of it when it happened and put them on drop box. Elder Cooks arms got pretty cut up from the claws though so that was too bad. now people always ask him what happened when they see his arms!

But I'm loving the mission. sometimes its tough because everybody here already has a religion. they are either católico, evangélico, testigos de jehovah, o and these people are all active in there churches so when we invite our investigators to our church they all say they cant because they go to their church at the same time! everybody is so welcome to talk about Jesus but our lessons usually end up with them talking to us the whole time just preaching their beliefs and religion. the people here definitely like talking more than listening. But all is well.

Tomorrow me and Elder Cook are getting a couple married then baptizing the wife this Saturday and then we have another grandma that was supposed to get baptized last week but she was never home so we couldn't give her the interview. but this week we will make sure it happens. we have two other kids about our age that have agreed to be baptized so that's good. but we need to teach their whole family so they can have the support of the parents and maybe convert them too.:)But I´m looking forward to my mission and what crazy things are yet to come! Love and miss you all!!
Elder Rawson/spidey

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